Hello Sylvestre,

Sylvestre Ledru wrote:
In my Makefile.am, I have: all-local: macros
macros: $(top_builddir)/bin/myscript
        $(top_builddir)/bin/myscript $(top_builddir)/dataDir/myData.sci

Obviously, this works when I am building my application in the source
tree but it fails when building as VPATH.

It is not clear what you wanna accomplish and why it doesn't work as you desire.

I cannot change top_builddir by top_srcdir since I need both the data
and script to be available in the build tree.

Are myscript and myData.sci distributed or built? Why do you need them in the build tree?


Peter Johansson

svndigest maintainer, http://dev.thep.lu.se/svndigest
yat maintainer,       http://dev.thep.lu.se/yat

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