On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 7:50 PM, Bob Friesenhahn
<bfrie...@simple.dallas.tx.us> wrote:
> Since 9/11, 'hope' is not sufficient protection in today's world.
> Not all systems are capable of producing a 'partial' library, leaving some
> symbols unresolved and without knowing where the symbols will come from.
>  Systems which come to mind which don't support this are Microsoft Windows
> and IBM's AIX.

That is a good point.  The project doesn't support plug-ins for
Windows (and may never), but as for AIX and others I can't say.  I'm
leaning towards supplying both .a (partial static library) and .so
targets so that users looking to prototype something on Linux can take
advantage of easy setup and users looking to distribute production
plug-ins have a reliably portable option.

Above all, we cannot let the terrorists win.

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