
* samson.pierre wrote on Sat, Aug 14, 2010 at 04:01:15AM CEST:
> GIMP=gimp
> RM=rm -rfv
> BMP=bat.bmp beaver.bmp brown_bear.bmp cow.bmp coypu.bmp dromedary.bmp eel.bmp 
> elephant.bmp giraffe.bmp golden_eagle.bmp great_white_shark.bmp 
> hammerhead_shark.bmp human.bmp hyena.bmp jackal.bmp jellyfish.bmp lion.bmp 
> lynx.bmp moose.bmp oryx.bmp otter.bmp scorpion.bmp spider.bmp squirrel.bmp 
> zebra.bmp
> all: $(BMP)
> %.bmp: %.xcf
> $(GIMP) -i -b '(xcf-bmp "$<" "$@")' -b '(gimp-quit 0)'
> clean:
> $(RM) *.bmp
> ---
> Can you write a Makefile.am which can help to generate a Makefile
> nearly the same as this Makefile?

Yes.  You simply 'mv Makefile Makefile.am' and replace 'all' with
'all-local' and 'clean' with 'clean-local'.  That's it!

Of course you still need to write a configure.ac file and so on, but I
guess you can find yourself though there by reading through the Hello
World example in the introduction of the manual:


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