Hi list,

I recently added a tiny bit of java+jni to an auto* configured project,
and during the process came across some discussion from about two years
ago about improving Java support.  As documented on:


So, it seems the JAVA deprecation was carried out, but not the JARS
implementation.  I presume that was mainly due to lack of interest
together with critical-path personnel constraints?  Unfortunately as
much as ant (really) sucks, I can't see the Java world changing it's use
of horrid tools, and the GNU world still seems to shun Java too - so
interest may never pick up.

However, assuming it hasn't gone anywhere beyond that bug report, where
would one begin were one to try to tackle this?  m4 mostly just gives me
the willies so i'm not sure I can help much but if I waste my time it's
only my time wasted.


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