On 04/13/2014 02:55 AM, Jonas Thiem wrote:
> Oh, they are in literally $(testd)/.deps (not ctests/.deps)... I guess
> this is that old bug then?
Yes, sadly. See:

> This bug really is kind of a problem with automake pressuring people
> into enabling subdir-objects :-/ I guess I'll not enable it then until
> a fix is shipped.
Understandable.  And Automake 2.0 (which will enable subdir-objects
unconditionally) will not be released until that bug is fixed.

> Is this already fixed in any upcoming version or is there an estimate
> when this will be out?
No. And I don't have plans nor time to do any serious work on Automake
for the foreseeable future.  But if someone wants to attempt a patch
to fix this extremely annoying bug, I will make sure to find time to
review it.  After all, this is the last real blocker for the release
of Automake 2.0

> Also, can a Makefile.am file somehow detect a broken automake version?
> Or is there another way to enable subdir-objects to please automake
> 2.0, but to still support broken old automake that cannot expand the
> paths properly?
Unfortunately, in your particular use case, all Automake version are
currently broken -- even the one in the master git branch :-(


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