I'm reading this script closely because I'd like to make a few changes
and am surprised it hasn't received any edits since 2012.  I think the
output is missing ratio of *test's failed, currently only file level
stats are presented not test level, and also the following options
from prove.

--verbose         Print all test lines.
--failures        Show failed tests.

* This to me is a key feature of TAP and this script silently discards
the most useful parts of the protocol.

Somethings I'v spotted that are driving me nuts.
Clearly indicates that "--color-tests=yes" is the only way to enable
color, there is no auto-detecting a PTY or any support for the
documented "--color-tests=always"

It's also crazy that "--color-tests=y" or "--color-tests=1" won't work
and like wise "--comments" "--no-comments" seems out of place or
rather a better way to implement Boolean arguments.

Is there much interest in keeping this script the way it is or can I
lobotomize and release it under a new name?  Suffix of ng is popular
these days, tapng-driver.sh. or tap-driverng.sh

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