On 02/25/2018 06:20 PM, Tom Tromey wrote:
>>>>>> "Kang-Che" == Kang-Che Sung <explore...@gmail.com> writes:
> Kang-Che> And I really wonder one thing: Why these obscure name had been
> Kang-Che> chosen, instead of having a name like "myprog", "foo" or
> Kang-Che> "fooprog" that is more obvious as a placeholder?
> It's easily distinguished from any ordinary text and I have a dislike of
> "foo" as an example.  Also Maude was the name of my dog.

Disclaimer: I haven't read this part of the docs myself. But for what
it's worth, I think Maude looks a bit like a misspelling of Make and
doesn't stick out that well, compared to "exampleprog" or something.
Also, I personally would suggest it's good if it's obvious from the name
what it is, and what it's not. (e.g. Maude could be mistaken as a
reference to an actual tool or some technical term the reader might
think they have missed) Not saying it needs to be changed, just throwing
in another impression.

Jonas Thiem

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