On Tue, 2022-02-15 at 15:37 -0600, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
> I have been told by several people (who have much more self-esteem 
> than me) that a build tool called 'cmake' is far more portable than 
> Autotools so maybe we should make support for 32 year old systems 
> cmake's responsibility?

That is not accurate.  Or at least, cmake uses a much different
definition of "portable" than autoconf / automake.  Certainly cmake
cannot possibly support 32-year old systems (if that's needed).

cmake is a tool that, given an input definition of build dependencies,
can generate build control files for multiple different types of build
tools.  It can generate makefiles, Ninja files, Xcode project files,
and Visual Studio project files.  Maybe others, I'm not sure.

So in that sense it's "more portable" because given a single input
definition you can build the project with both make-based systems and
Visual Studio-based systems (etc.) without extra maintenance work.

However, of course because the definition files must be able to
generate all these different outputs they are necessarily "least common
denominator" definitions; you can't just define a new make rule to do
something obscure like you can with automake. Cmake works great for
simple projects but you will absolutely struggle to encode more complex
build requirements.

And, cmake has really not much comparable to autoconf.  It does provide
some very minimal support for choosing some compiler options and some
facilities sort of like pkg-config but nothing even approaching the
kinds of checks and configuration that autoconf supports.

The main idea of autoconf is that it allows configuring the package for
systems that the author never even heard of, much less has access to
(as long as it has a POSIX interface).  cmake only tries to generate
output files for systems it has been developed for (for example, each
new version of Visual Studio often requires a new release of cmake to
support it).

Of course maybe autoconf is not necessary anymore: I don't know about
that.  I do know that even though GNU make itself is relatively simple,
people still build and use it on older, and non-GNU/Linux, systems, and
that they want to use cross-compilers (cmake can do this, kind of, but
it's much more difficult than autotools support) and other more
advanced operations.

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