Jacob Bachmeyer <jcb62...@gmail.com>, Mon Apr 03 2023 06:16:53 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)
Karl Berry wrote:
   What can we do about this?

As for automake: can we (you :) somehow modify the computation of the
sleep value to determine if autom4te can handle the HiRes testing or not
(i.e., has the patch installed)? And then use the longer sleep in
automake testing if needed.

If you can locate Autom4te::FileUtils, grepping it for "Time::HiRes" will tell you if autom4te supports sub-second timestamps, but then you need more checks to validate that the filesystem actually has sub-second timestamps.

A simple check:

if $PERL -I${autom4te_perllibdir:-/usr/share/autoconf} -I/usr/local/share/autoconf \        -MAutom4te::FileUtils -e 'exit defined $INC{q[Time/HiRes.pm]} ? 0 : 1'; then
    # autom4te uses Time::HiRes
    # autom4te does not use Time::HiRes

This method also has the advantage of implicitly also checking that $PERL has Time::HiRes installed by determining if loading Autom4te::FileUtils causes Time::HiRes to be loaded.  (In other words, this will give the correct answer on Perl 5.6 if Time::HiRes was installed from CPAN or on later Perls if a distribution packager has unbundled Time::HiRes and the user has not installed its package.)

Nice. The 0 and 1 may not be portable to each OS in the Universe (see EXIT_SUCCESS and EXIT_FAILURE in exit(3)), but should be good/portable enough for our goals. Or maybe some other simple solution.

As I understand, this could even be used to actually call the sub which checks the timestamps, so we'd have a read-to-use test. Only a matter of where to put it... Is there some code that runs *before* all tests that could set some environment variable passed to the tests, create a file, or whatever?

It seems to me that using autoconf -f or similar is papering over the
problem, so that the tests are no longer testing the normal behavior.
Which does not sound desirable.

The Automake testsuite is supposed to test Automake, not Autoconf, so working around Autoconf issues is appropriate.

I agree with this one, too. Don't do workarounds in tests to fix Automake issues, just fix the issue in Automake :). But workarounds, conditional code, skipping tests, etc. are allowed when using other tools in Automake tests.

  In this case, if always using "autoconf -f" allows us to eliminate the sleeps entirely (and does not expand the running time of Autoconf too much), we should do that, at least in my view.

Yes, that could be the simplest. I (or someone) just need to find out how to time individual tests (or maybe I'll just run 'time make check TESTS=...') and do the actual measurements :). I was hoping to have more time for this, but unfortunately, I got busy with other things and this may have to wait a bit. Maybe this week, maybe the next...

Regards - Bogdan ('bogdro') D.                 (GNU/Linux & FreeDOS)
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