Hi Trent...

The only problem I have with that is that:

A) it worked perfect with Ubuntu 7.04... so the multicast issue with the
card is not at fault
b) nothing has changed with my router..

Thanks for the kind response though.. it remains a mystery to me as to why I
cannot browse or discover this service.. my wired 7.10 workstation sees it
perfect.. only my wireless box is failing now.. and only since I updated to
Ubuntu 7.10 and wicd....


On Feb 8, 2008 7:24 PM, Trent Lloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Dave,
> This sounds like a common issue with wireless cards and dodgy
> multicast implementations.
> I can only suggest trying a different wireless card (and sometimes
> router or enabling IGMP/multicast in your router/switch)
> Trent
> On 09/02/2008, at 4:31 AM, Dave Lazar wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I fired up avahi-discover on my laptop. wlan0 is my wireless
> > connection provided by wicd in Ubuntu Gutsy. My server on the same
> > subnet is providing an iTunes Audio service called
> > FooRock.
> >
> > I have a hamachi VPN running too.. ham0 on an other subnet...
> >
> > My avahi-browse -art reveals:
> >
> >  avahi-browse -art
> > + ham0 IPv4 FooRock                                       iTunes
> > Audio Access  local
> > + ham0 IPv4 superfly [ba:82:67:f1:6e:7d]
> > Workstation          local
> > + ham0 IPv4 unconcious [00:ff:ab:9a:74:9a]
> > Workstation          local
> > + wlan0 IPv4 unconcious [00:13:02:c1:c1:f4]
> > Workstation          local
> > = ham0 IPv4 FooRock                                       iTunes
> > Audio Access  local
> >    hostname = [superfly.local]
> >    address = []
> >    port = [51106]
> >    txt = ["org.freedesktop.Avahi.cookie=3581690292" "txtvers=1"
> > "Machine Name=FooRock" "Password=false"]
> > = ham0 IPv4 superfly [ba:82:67:f1:6e:7d]
> > Workstation          local
> >    hostname = [superfly.local]
> >    address = []
> >    port = [9]
> >    txt = ["org.freedesktop.Avahi.cookie=3581690292"]
> > = ham0 IPv4 unconcious [00:ff:ab:9a:74:9a]
> > Workstation          local
> >    hostname = [unconcious.local]
> >    address = []
> >    port = [9]
> >    txt = []
> > = wlan0 IPv4 unconcious [00:13:02:c1:c1:f4]
> > Workstation          local
> >    hostname = [unconcious.local]
> >    address = []
> >    port = [9]
> >    txt = []
> >
> > while avahi-discover shows
> >
> > A new main_window has been created
> > Browsing domain 'local' on -1.-1 ...
> > Browsing for services of type '_daap._tcp' in domain 'local' on
> > 5.0 ...
> > Browsing for services of type '_workstation._tcp' in domain 'local'
> > on 5.0 ...
> > Browsing for services of type '_workstation._tcp' in domain 'local'
> > on 4.0 ...
> > Found service 'FooRock' of type '_daap._tcp' in domain 'local' on 5.0.
> > Found service 'superfly [ba:82:67:f1:6e:7d]' of type
> > '_workstation._tcp' in domain 'local' on 5.0.
> > Found service 'unconcious [00:ff:ab:9a:74:9a]' of type
> > '_workstation._tcp' in domain 'local' on 5.0.
> > Found service 'unconcious [00:13:02:c1:c1:f4]' of type
> > '_workstation._tcp' in domain 'local' on 4.0.
> >
> >
> >
> > Banshee Music Sharing should show FooRock if wlan0 picked up the
> > FooRock but it does not.. only ham0 shows it??? I think this has to
> > do with the networking somehow but nothing comes to my mind about
> > how to get wlan0 to recognize FooRock...
> >
> > Any suggestions?. I have no FW running whatsoever and this used to
> > work perfect when I had eth1 as my wireless with NetworkManager.. I
> > think it is only since I switched to Wicd and wlan0 that the trouble
> > started...
> >
> > Thanks
> >
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