Hello to all Avocado users and developers,

This is a heads-up about an important change that is coming to Avocado:
we're dropping Python 2.6 support.


Initially, we planned Avocado to be supported on Python 2.7 and Python
3.x.  Then we realized that a lot of our users still depended on Python
2.6 because of platforms such as EL6.

Python 2.6 support came, and after a while our first LTS (36.0) version
was released.  This gives EL6 users a stable version they can rely on.

Now it's time to look forward.  By dropping official support for Python
2.6, we can focus our energy on other goals.  Since we're talking Python
versions, one of those if to support Python 3.x in the same code base.


Pretty soon, that is, as early as the published PR is accepted:


Users on EL6:

We recommend our users running Avocado on EL6 to stick to the LTS
releases (currently version 36.3).  This will ensure that bugfixes will
be delivered to you.  For more information on how to use the LTS
versions please check the following link:


For more information of LTS releases, check the following link:


Alternatively, if you need features not present in the 36.0 series, you
may still use a version as recent as 45.0, but *without* the level of
support that LTS releases have.

Please let us know if you have any issues or questions.

Cleber Rosa
[ Sr Software Engineer - Virtualization Team - Red Hat ]
[ Avocado Test Framework - avocado-framework.github.io ]

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