 Pre/Post Mini-RFC

This is a status report on the various Pre/Post like interfaces we
have for Jobs and Tests.

The goal is to identify what's currently badly defined, and fix the
interface and implementations so that their goals are clearly
understandable.  It should set the tone for other new pre/post

As we start to define a road map for a new LTS release, it's essential
to eliminate any source of confusion to users and to Avocado

Pre, as in previous to its execution

So far, Avocado has implemented some "Pre" interfaces that are actually
executed by the subject itself.  This is, by definition, very wrong.

An analogy may be useful.  Suppose we are hosting a car race.  Now
suppose we have a checklist to run *before* the race, such as checking
the conditions of the asphalt.  One would never assume, rightfully so,
that this would be performed as *part of the race*, so no race cars
would be involved in checking the asphalt conditions.  Instead, the
race organizers, would do that, before showing the competitors the
green light.

It's OK, though, for the race organizers to know about the race
conditions (duration, rules for pit stops, etc) and the cars, so that
the most adequate conditions are ensured.

If we were writing code that would map this analogy, we would have::

  class Organizer(object):
      def pre_race(self, race_conditions):

  class Race(object):
      def warmup_lap(self):

It would be confusing, to have something like this::

   class Race(object):
       def pre_race(self):

Or even::

   class Race(object):
       def pre(self):
          Pre what?

But it would be OK to have::

  class Race(object):
       def pre_pit_stop(self):

Example with current Avocado

Avocado has a plugin interfaces called "JobPre".  It's described as
"Base plugin interface for adding actions before a job **runs**".
This is clearly wrong, because it's executed as part of the
``avocado.core.Job.pre_tests()`` method

  def pre_tests(self):
    self._job_pre_post_dispatcher.map_method('pre', self)

And it's even more incorrect because ``avocado.core.Job.pre_tests()``
is called as part of ``avocado.core.Job.run()``

  def run(self):

Now, **another** interface, called "JobPreTests" exists, and is
described as "Base plugin interface for adding actions before a job
runs tests", which is fine, and it gets executed at


The proposal is to have "Pre" interfaces that are external to the

This means that it's OK to have "JobPreTests", where a job does
something before a test (is executed).  For further clarification,
such an interface could even be called "JobPreTestsExecution", but it
seems to add verbosity without adding further value.  Other examples
may actually benefit from being more precise.

With regards to "JobPre", it is a valid requirement, but should
never be implemented within the Job.  A "JobPre", is, in reality, a
"JobInit" or "JobSetUp", and should be named as such.  Just think
of a "job initializing **itself**", or "setting up **itself**".

If the Avocado command line application creates a Job, then it should
be the one calling a "JobPre" implementations, with enough information
it has about the upcoming job.

Right now, it may be difficult to do this in Avocado, as a lot of the
configuration about a Job exists solely within an already instantiated
Job.  But this is actually a good thing, because the separation of
configuration coming from sources such as files, command line,
parameter system and the Job itself is one of the requirements of the
much talked about "Job API".

For users of the Job API, utility methods could exist, but would still
require actions/code such as the following pseudo-code::

  from avocado import Job
  from avocado import load_default_config
  from plugins.pre_job import run_pre_job

  job = Job()

For a "JobInit" or "JobSetUp" interface, they could be automatically
called before a Job is considered ready to "run()".


This (mini) RFC is intended to shape the direction of a few (long
standing) pull requests:

 1) https://github.com/avocado-framework/avocado/pull/1617
 2) https://github.com/avocado-framework/avocado/pull/1829

As an RFC, feedback is **extremely** welcome!

Cleber Rosa
[ Sr Software Engineer - Virtualization Team - Red Hat ]
[ Avocado Test Framework - avocado-framework.github.io ]
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