Hello Cleber,

few clarifications (hopefully) before you come up with v2


Another option would be to allow `path` of the Avocado Test `params` and
the class would get the details from the provided params+path. The cons
would be it'd be hard to use anything but `params` for that:

            type: localhost
            user: test
            password: 123456
            type: docker
            create: yes

I like this structure better.

    get_implementation(self.params, "/streams/first/*") => would use
`params.get(..., "/streams/first/*")` to get all necessary parameters

The idea of `get_implementation` is pretty simple: get an Execution
Stream implementation by its name.  What you're describing here (with
regards to getting the "right" parameters and instantiating/activating
the execution stream easily/automatically) is exactly what I propose

This is not really about the automatic creation. As for today it's
impossible to map tests-to-variants and I saw some people are actually
writing tests which depends on certain path so they can supply different
params to different tests:

First of all, the design shouldn't be limited by current limitations
that can be addressed (although it's a very good thing to mention and
keep track of them).

Furthermore, I'd say the problem here is not mapping tests to variants
at all.  We're using YAML (yaml_to_mux) simply as a didactic way of
setting variables at specific paths, and that is the essence here.

Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't see a reason why the same
"*/avocado/stream/*" parameters couldn't be available to all tests as
"Default params":


And still be overridden by specific tests.

If you agree that's achievable but currently limited or non functional
because of addressable limitations, then I believe we're fine, and just
have another work item to deliver multi stream test support.

Basically what I ask here is whether you considered the possibility to define the `streams` not using the default params path, but from a different path:

so instead of just:

       - 1:
           type: remote
           host: foo.example.com

I'd like to be able to pass:

       - 1:
           type: remote
           host: foo.example.com
       - 1:
           type: remote
           host: foo.example.com
       - 1:
           type: remote
           host: foo.example.com

And in test to say this time please use `/Second/*` instead of `/avocado/*` to define the default streams, because I'm running multiple different tests in the single execution and I want to define different streams for each of them.

        timeout: 10
        timeout: 1
        timeout: 5

and in boot.py:

    timeout = self.params.get("timeout", "*/boot/*")

in check.py:

    timeout = self.params.get("timeout", "*/check/*")


So the comment above tried to describe how one would create descriptions
of streams on different places and be still able to get them in various
tests from different locations. Imagine in test1.py:

    get_implementation(self.params, "*/test1/streams/first/*")

in test2.py:

    get_implementation(self.params, "*/test2/streams/server/*")

and so on. The automatic way would be shared for all tests, while this
would allow the same but using different locations. Anyway this is
really painful and I'd prefer using the single-line definition, or the
list of tuples as described later...

          if klass is not None:
              stream = klass(host=self.params.get("remote_hostname"),


              cmd = "ping -c 1 %s" %
I do like the rest of the example (only the klass would be already
initialized by the `get_implementation`.

This conflicts with the idea of "utility library to be used by test
developer that wants full control of the individual creation and use of
the execution streams".  I mean, if some implementations are made
available at the `avocado.utils` namespace, then they could even be
referred to directly by module/name.
Yes, by
`get_implementation("docker://create=yes,image=fedora,remove=always") or
`get_implementation(host=host, username=username, ...)`, which returns
already initialized object of the detected type. Alternatively the user
would import directly the specific class and use

Again, the better name for `get_implementation` in this sense would be

I think you missed the point about `get_implementation()`.  Again,
`get_stream()` could be implemented on top of it.  And remember
that this is the  "verbose, lengthy and boilerplate-full" method that we
hope most users won't need or use.

I'd really focus most of our energy on giving the majority of users (the
majority of use cases) a very easy to use set of tools.

Sure, my aim is to provide very simple way for most cases while still allowing the hard-core users to use our libraries directly to be able to do everything. Anyway I agree `get_stream` could be implemented on top of `get_implementation` but right now I don't see much points in having `get_implementation` at all. Looking forward to the v2 to hopefully learn about it's benefits.

Again, since we're talking about making whatever makes sense in the
utility namespace, there could a function such as
"get_stream_parameters(name)" that would return the parameters to an
Execution Stream, that is:

  stream_name = "server"
  path = "/avocado/streams/%s/*" % stream_name
  impl = self.params.get("type", path=path)
  stream = get_implementation(impl)(**get_stream_parameters(path))

Actually it should probably be `self.streams.get_stream()` as we do want
to register it in the `Streams` to get it cleaned automatically. This
also works for libraries as you'd first initialize `Streams` object and
then do the `get_stream()`, `close()` and so on directly on the
`Streams` object.

Can you explain a use case where you'd write code to manually create a
stream using the object that is supposed to contain the ready to use
streams?  If you need to manually create it, then it's probably a good
idea for you to manually destroy it.  Of course we could add mechanisms
to register streams created outside of `self.streams`, but I don't feel
the urge to do so unless proven wrong.

Anyway, this seems a corner case to me, and the most difficult and
important task here is to try to get the "recommended" way right, so
that most multi stream tests are really straightforward to read and write.

Sure, this was more-like a brainstorm of the possible scalability of this design...

Please note that this is not the intended end result of this proposal,
a side effect of implementing it using different software layers.  Most
users should favor the simplified (higher level) interface.

Writing a Multi-Stream test

As mentioned before, users have not yet been given tools **and
guidelines** for writing multi-host (multi-stream in Avocado lingo)
tests.  By setting a standard and supported way to use the available
tools, we can certainly expect advanced multi-stream tests to become
easier to write and then much more common, robust and better supported
by Avocado itself.

Mapping from parameters

The separation of stream definitions and test is a very important goal
of this proposal.  Avocado already has a advanced parameter system, in
of this proposal.  Avocado already has __an__ advanced parameter
system, in

which a test received parameters from various sources.The most common
way of passing parameters at this point is by means of YAML files, so
these will be used as the example format.
Well this might be quite hard to understand, how about just saying:
"Avocado supports test parametrisation via Test Parameters system and
the most common way is to use a YAML file by using `yaml_to_mux`

Parameters that match a predefined schema (based on paths and node
names) will be by evaluated by a tests' ``streams`` instance
(available as ``self.streams`` within a test).

For instance, the following snippet of test code::

  from avocado import Test

  class MyTest(Test):
      def test(self):
          self.streams[1].run(python("import mylib; mylib.action()"))

Together with the following YAML file fed as input to the parameter

      - 1:
          type: remote
          host: foo.example.com
This is currently not supported by our yaml parser as any dictionary is
mapped to multiplex structure and I'm not sure it'd be possible (in a
sane manner) to treat dict inside lists differently. Anyway as I
mentioned earlier we could use:

Oops, I may have used an incorrect syntax or idea (or both).

            1: ssh://foo.example.com


                type: remote
                host: foo.example.com

This one looks good IMO.  I'm all in for more explicitly naming **when**
you go to the lengths of defining them.

Yes, plus we do use the OrderedDicts so we can still let people use:


together with:


just beware the:


is different then:


and the node-names (therefor even the 1: in streams) becomes string in
Avocado, so it actually works well and in the example above the:

    self.streams["1"] == self.streams[0]

Nice, looks like OrderedDicts, or an even "smarter" version, could be
the basis or our slicing support.


            - type: remote
              host: foo.example.com

Another thing is I'd probably prefer names to ints so "1" or "server" or
"worker1" etc, which goes nicely with the first 2 examples. The last
example goes well with indexes, but it starts with 0 (which would be my
recommendation anyway if we decided to go with indexes).

I think I mentioned somewhere "if only integers"...  I actually share
your fondness of names.  I did not say it explicitly, but I think we can
support both, as the slicing examples make a lot of sense to me.

But, the slicing examples can be expanded to its own dialect, such as
supporting regexes.  For instance, `self.streams["client-\d+"]` makes a
lot of sense IMO.

Yes, this makes sense and is quite simple to do...

Would result in the execution of ``import mylib; mylib.action()``
in a Python interpreter on host ``foo.example.com``.

If test environments are refered to on a test, but have not been
If test environments are __referred__ to on a test, but have not been

OK, thanks.

in the outlined schema, Avocado's ``streams`` attribute implementation
can use a default Execution Stream implementation, such as a local
based one.  This default implementation can, of course, also be
at the system and user level by means of configuration files, command
arguments and so on.

Another possibility is an "execution stream strict mode", in which no
default implementation would be used, but an error condition would be
generated.  This may be useful on environments or tests that are
really tied to their execution stream types.
I'd solve this by supporting `__len__` where `len(self.streams)` should
report number of defined streams.

Note the number of defined streams changes based on how many streams are
defined __OR__ used by the test. So:

            - 0:
            - 1:

    len(self.streams)  => 2
    len(self.streams)  => 6

where the streams 2-5 are the default streams.

I have mixed feelings here.  In my understanding, all of the streams are
created on demand, that is, when they're used.  A configuration that
defines thousands of them will not cause an empty test (think of
`passtest.py`) to initialize them.
Yes, that is the point. `__len__` reports the "defined", not necessarily
"initialized" streams.

Adding streams dynamically is definitely must-have-feature and one note
the code above would actually only have the `streams[5]` initialized,
the rest would wait for the first usage.

OK, I'm fine with that.

But, the meaning of `len(self.streams)`, that is, defined or
initialized, is something we can further discuss later.

Sure, another possibility would be to support `streams.defined_streams`
but I think the `__len__` would make more sense. It's similar to a list:

    streams = list(params.get("streams", "/avocado/*")
    len(streams) == 2
    len(streams) == 6

Sure, as long as we document that `len()` returns the defined streams,
it makes perfect sense to me.

Currently defined streams (as I'd like to be able to register new ones for automatic postprocess. It should be simple while powerful)

Intercommunication Test Example

This is a simple example that exercises the most important aspects
proposed here.  The use case is to check that different hosts can
communicate among themselves.  To do that, we define two streams as
parameters (using YAML here), backed by a "remote" implementation::

      - 1:
          type: remote
          host: foo.example.com
      - 2:
          type: remote
          host: bar.example.com

Then, the following Avocado Test code makes use of them::

  from avocado import Test
  from avocado.streams.code import shell

  class InterCommunication(Test):
      def test(self):
          self.streams[1].run(shell("ping -c 1 %s" %
          self.streams[2].run(shell("ping -c 1 %s" %
Brainstorming here, how about letting `wait` raise exception when it
fails unless we use `wait(ignore_failure)`. The exception would contain
all the information so it'd be THE exception which failed the test?

Yep, this is a valid question.  I think the answer will depend on how
much we want the **test** result to be bound to what happens on the
streams.  Right now it's obvious that I decided to keep them pretty much

Sure, the more I think about it I also share your vision.


As for the `streams.success`, I guess it'd be a property, which would go
through all streams results, and report `any(_.failure for _ in
self.streams)`, right?


The ``streams`` attribute provide a aggregated interface for all the
Calling ``self.streams.wait()`` waits for all execution streams (and
block of code) to finish execution.

Support for slicing, if execution streams names based on integers only
be added, allowing for writing tests such as::

      - 1:
          type: remote
          host: foo.example.com
      - 2:
          type: remote
          host: bar.example.com
      - 3:
          type: remote
          host: blackhat.example.com
      - 4:
          type: remote
          host: pentest.example.com

  from avocado import Test
  from avocado.streams.code import shell

  class InterCommunication(Test):
      def test(self):
          self.streams[1].run(shell("ping -c 1 %s" %
          self.streams[2].run(shell("ping -c 1 %s" %
          self.streams[3].run(shell("ping -c 1 %s" %
          self.streams[4].run(shell("ping -c 1 %s" %
As mentioned earlier I'd prefer names to indexes, anyway I see the
indexes useful as well. How about supporting a name or index?

Yep, also thought of that.

As for the slices, I'd prefer list-like slice to stream-like slices as
it'd be more natural to me to interact with a list of individual streams
rather than a Stream object with a limited subset of streams. Anyway
that's a matter of taste and I can definitely live with this as well.

See my previous comments.

Now about this example, it's really limited. Again you are hard-coding
the scenario and changing it is really complicated. I'd prefer something


Real tests will probably (hopefully) use better (symbolic) names.  The
goal here is to focus on the mechanisms, which on yours and on my
version are identical.

Support for synchronized execution also maps really well to the
slicing example.  For instance, consider this::

  from avocado import Test
  from avocado.streams.code import shell

  class InterCommunication(Test):
      def test(self):
          self.streams[1].run(shell("ping -c 60 %s" %
          self.streams[2].run(shell("ping -c 60 %s" %
          ddos = shell("ddos --target %s" self.streams[1].host)
          self.streams[3:4].run(ddos, synchronized=True)

This instructs streams 1 and 2 to start connectivity checks as soon as
they **individually** can, while, for a full DDOS effect, streams 3
and 4 would start only when they are both ready to do so.
OK so this is about before-start-synchronisation. Well again, I'm not
much fond of boundling the streams so I'd prefer allowing to define the
workload (which returns when the workload is ready), trigger it (which
triggers it and reports immediately) and then wait for it. The
difference in usage is:

    self.streams[3].run(ddos, stopped=True)
    self.streams[4].run(ddos, stopped=True)

The result is the same (unless you create processes per each stream and
in `self.streams[3:4]` you use signals to synchronize the execution) but
it allows greater flexibility like synchronizing other tasks then just

Or we can create methods `establish(cmd)`, `start()` and `wait()` which
might better describe the actions.

I think you missed my point here.  Streams #3 and #4, in my example,
wait for *each other*.  Using a mechanism such as barriers.

Oh you mean that the `synchronized=True` means it'd make a `barrier`
mechanism available between those two streams and you'd be able to use
this barrier from the streams? That would be rather limiting as you
might want to create multiple barriers between several streams. I think
you should re-describe your synchronization here as well as the
structure changed a bit...

In my RFC I basically passed the information about barriers by test
params, which is obviously not available here as the Code could be
anything. Anyway a barrier requires:

1. name

Name on my example is implicit, as it can be created from the unique
names of the stream themselves.

If you say the name is implicit than it means you are only talking about all-to-all single barrier. This is (usually) true for 2 streams, but with 3+ streams you usually need different named barriers as not all of the streams have to sync all of the time. Please take a deeper look at the example I posted and try to incorporate it in your v2.

2. server

Also implicit, as most use cases should be able to use the default
barrier server provided by `self.streams`.  To be more precise, an also
on-demand barrier server running alongside the avocado test process
(what you refer to as as "main", later).

3. number of clients

Sure, but I don't see how **code** run on streams have to care about
this.  The idea is that they will only have their `run()` methods called
by the respective execution streams when the barrier is lifted (say, all
clients have checked in).

The point here is that individual stream execution in a "slice" will be
**synchronized** from the outside of the **block of code**.  How the
synchronization is done, is a different matter.

When creating synchronized streams by a slice, you have all of these
available, but it might not be always like that and you might want to
define different groups of barriers, for example:


    barrier("ssh_started", worker, 2)
    barrier("worker_finished", main, 3)

These 3 lies, IIUC, are "block of code" content, right?
Yes, this is a stream1 called "ssh"


    barrier("http_started", worker, 2)
    barrier("worker_finished", main, 3)

Same here.

Yep, stream2 called "http"


    barrier("ssh_started", worker, 2)
    barrier("http_started", worker, 2)
    barrier("worker_finished", main, 3)

Same here for these 4 lines, right?

Yes, stream3 called "worker".

Basically what is expected here to happen is that the worker waits for "ssh" to be started, then it waits for "http" to be started, then it uses them and after finishing it notifies all of the clients to let them finish.

The main difference between the first 2 barriers and the last one is that the first 2 barriers are independent on the other process while the last one is all-to-all.

To demonstrate the need for other than all-to-all barriers let me modify the example:


     barrier("ssh_started", worker, 2)
     barrier("http_started", worker, 2)
     barrier("worker_finished", main, 3)

Now imagine the "http" start takes a long time as it can consist of configuring a database, bootstraping the server etc. In this example you have 3 streams where concurrently "ssh" and "http" are starting. When "ssh" starts you immediately start doing some business there (as it also can be time-expensive task) and only when this finishes you check whether the "http" already started.

This particular case is still possible to write with all-to-all barriers, it just becomes sub-optimal:



As now the `connect_to_ssh_and_do_some_business` waits for "http" to be started even though it does not need it.

Anyway I'm looking forward to the v2, I'd be fine with implicit all-to-all barriers as a standard feature initialized automatically (if asked for) if we put the generic implementation in `avocado.utils` so users could use it freely in advanced use-cases like the one I explained here.


Thank you for the follow up,

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