On 9/12/18 7:58 AM, Cleber Rosa wrote:

On 9/11/18 5:43 AM, Sergey Bronnikov wrote:

avocado-vt uses network sniffer (tshark or tcpdump) for getting
IP address of running guest OS. QEMU has an option to dump network
traffic to a file. Using this option looks simpler than using of
external sniffer . I believe there were reasons to prefer sniffer
instead of qemu dump option. Can someone tell about them?


It'd be nice to try to rewrite the "sniffing" code in terms of "-object
filter-dump" (AKA "-net dump").

I see that there are some limitations in the QEMU builtin network dump,
but we can always use such an implementation when appropriate.

It's a good idea to use '-net dump' functionality for getting IP addresses, parsing pcap format files is always be easy than parsing plain text generated by those sniffer tools.

However, my concern is that this method is a little bit aggressive, I'm not sure if enabling this function  for a guest would affect the other part of the network function. And please be noted that a well functioning QEMU is the guarantee for us to get the correct IP addresses, while the QEMU is the box that we are testing.

Xu has written the tshak backend, so I bet he knows more about it.

Honestly speaking, I have no idea about why it used tcpdump not others.. The reason of adding the tshark(wireshark) support is, sometimes, tcpdump has the problem to get the right informaion (see https://github.com/avocado-framework/avocado-vt/pull/1463).

We can also get IP adresses by using the function provided by qemu-guest-agent, it can work with both dhcp and static network. But, for me, it is an "aggressive" way as well.


FIY, we're trying a different approach of getting guest information on
Avocado (not on Avocado-VT), by using the "cloudinit" feature when the
guest has support for it:


It's simplistic at the moment, but it's possible to check for the
instance id used, and get the IP address from the the "phone home" HTTP


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