
first of all I would like to introduce myself to you. My name is Fran and I
am working for FiveAI as a test engineer. While I was looking for a test
framework that I could use for automation and standardized testing across
multiple teams I came across avocado and since them I have been reading
docs, code and trying to better understand its capabilities.

One of the feature that I would like to use is the remote Docker plugin,
but I cannot get the params API working correctly. I have tried the next,
which works correctly:
$avocado run --ignore-missing-references=on --mux-inject
/run:sleep_length:2.0 -- sleeptest.py
['/home/francisco/.virtualenvs/avocado27/bin/avocado', 'run',
'--ignore-missing-references=on', '--mux-inject', '/run:sleep_length:2.0',
'--', 'sleeptest.py']
In the log:
2018-11-19 14:31:11,069 parameters       L0146 DEBUG| PARAMS
(key=sleep_length, path=*, default=1) => '2.0'

But when I try:
avocado run --ignore-missing-references=on --mux-inject
/run:sleep_length:2.0 --docker alpine-avocado -- sleeptest.py
['/usr/local/bin/avocado', 'run', '--force-job-id',
'fc8bd8d0ee0bfa9d737501f9f6a21af5854b48ca', '--json', '-', '--archive',
In the log:
2018-11-19 14:32:50,304 parameters       L0146 DEBUG| PARAMS (key=timeout,
path=*, default=None) => None

So, it seems that when using the remote Docker plugin the parameters are
not being sent, at least using the --mux-inject argument. Any suggestions?
What would be the best way to be able to send arguments to the remote

Thank you,

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