Hi Cleber,

  We need your support on Avocado python2 supported version  As we are from IBM still using python2 supported avocado as still some of the distribution which we verify has python 2 support only As you know we have issue already in place https://github.com/avocado-framework/avocado/issues/3088

Listing Down Possible Solution Please provide your Thoughts

|1- As IBM going providing support for avocado python 2 as kind of a patch set which can be applied on TOP of avocado master branch 2- ||As new Feature also need to be Accepted to LTS (68) as right now we only accept bug fixes and maintain this LTS release for more time may IBM can also help here . |||


On 6/13/19 6:02 AM, Cleber Rosa wrote:
Hello everyone,

This is an Avocado LTS minor release announcement: 69.1, the first minor
release of the 69.x LTS series, is now available!

About LTS (Long Term Stability)

This release is the third LTS (Long Term Stability) release.  The
previous LTS release, 52.x, will be supported for an additional 6
months from the 69.0 release date (or about another 4 months).

Read more about what LTS means here:


LTS Minor Release Notes

A minor LTS release should bring no upgrade impacts, besides bugs
being fixed.  For more information please refer to:


Installing Avocado

Instructions are available in our documentation on how to install
either with packages or from source:


Updated RPM packages are available for EPEL 7, Fedora 28 and 29.  For
the Fedoras, packages are available for both Python 3 and Python 2.

Also, updated Python source and binary packages are available on PyPI:



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