Hello everyone,

This is an Avocado LTS minor release announcement: 69.2, the first minor
release of the 69.x LTS series, is now available!

About LTS (Long Term Stability)

This release is the third LTS (Long Term Stability) release.  The
previous LTS releases, 52.x, is as of now, no longer supported.

Read more about what LTS means here:


LTS Minor Release Notes

A minor LTS release should bring no upgrade impacts, besides bugs
being fixed.  For more information please refer to:


Installing Avocado

Instructions are available in our documentation on how to install
either with packages or from source:


Updated RPM packages are available for EPEL 7, Fedora 29 and 30.  For
the Fedoras, packages are available for both Python 3 and Python 2.

Also, updated Python source and binary packages are available on PyPI:



Cleber Rosa
[ Sr Software Engineer - Virtualization Team - Red Hat ]
[ Avocado Test Framework - avocado-framework.github.io ]
[  7ABB 96EB 8B46 B94D 5E0F  E9BB 657E 8D33 A5F2 09F3  ]

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