Dear Avocado users and developers,

I'd like to invite you all to the sprint release and planning
meeting. It is going to take place at `date -d "Mon May 11 10:00:00
EDT 2020"` using Google Hangouts Meet.

The link to join the meeting is:

Or you can watch live the stream:


Or even simply join by phone:

   +1 617-675-4444 PIN: 573 383 847 2896#

We'll be available for questions and comments on our IRC channel:


The meeting will be split in two parts (roughly 30 min each):

* Part 1: Sprint Review
* Review of the changes introduced during this sprint
* Short demonstrations of some of the new features
* Live sprint status: release readiness, last minute blockers, etc.

* Part 2: Sprint Planning
* New sprint planning boards will be created and its tasks prioritized.
* Quick review of the expectations for the next sprint (high-level
vision, goals, highlights)

See you there.

Cleber Rosa 
[ Sr Software Engineer - Virtualization Team - Red Hat ] 
[ Avocado Test Framework - ] 
[  7ABB 96EB 8B46 B94D 5E0F  E9BB 657E 8D33 A5F2 09F3  ]

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