I learned to code C/C++ with the dummies book, it gave pretty clear examples.

C doesn't have to be hard, just take the time to grock it and not rush it.

Also, this is a great read for understanding social dynamics on how to ask people questions and get an answer.


On Mar 30, 2009, at 6:32 PM, Bob Paddock wrote:

On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 2:48 PM, David VanHorn <d...@mobilefusioninc.com > wrote:
I thought I must be doing something fairly trivial wrong, this IS
only my second project in C...

Dave, I have two recommendations for a beginner at C.

1) Buy yourself a copy of Gimpel Lint, even if you have to pay
for it out of your own pocket, it will be money well spent in the long
run.  http://www.gimpel.com/ .  It will be the best C tutor
you could have.   When you run your first piece of code through
it you will be appalled at the number errors it finds.  Not because
you are a beginner, tho that might help, it is because in C it is
so easy to shoot yourself in the foot. Alas there are few alternative
languages for dealing at the bare metal level.

Also you can learn a lot just by reading Gimpel's Bug of the Month:


2) Get yourself a copy of the MISRA guidelines:
Right now someone on the list is reading that and saying
"Say what?  Recommending MISRA to a new C Programmer?".
Yes. Even if you don't try to write your code to MISRA, the explanation of the rules, ie. the landmines you don't want to step on will be beneficial
to your C education.

If you get truly and utterly stuck, I'm about 90 miles from you and can
come down your way some weekend if you need any help.


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