
Can some one address the following requirement at the earliest. I have time
crunch in building the functionality.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: surya pavan <surya...@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 12:54 PM
Subject: 3D model dropped position.
To: away3d-dev@googlegroups.com

Hi Developer,

Your assistance is greatly appreciated. I have wasted lots of time but no
break through for the following questions.Currently using Away3D 3.6,FP 10
and Flex 4.

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----------------                Here is the layout using. with 2d image on
left pane and 3d loaded on right on drag & drop.

I have loaded three 3D models (.3ds formats) in to the canvas . Currently
when i am adding the model to scene, all visual elements are added to the
centre of the scene.

1. Is there any way to place the 3d image exactly at the dropped location of
right canvas
2. While moving in the right canvas,Couldn't get the exact coordinates of
right side canvas 3d positions ?
Tried out with  *selectedModel.moveTo(event.sceneX,event.sceneY,event.sceneZ)
*in the listeners but it is not moving as per 3d panned in the canvas
3. Can i have rotation enabled for indivdual objects rather than for whole
  currently it is enabed for whole panel,*   camera.panAngle =
0.3*(_drawingPanel.mouseX - _lastMouseX) + _lastPanAngle; camera.tiltAngle =
0.3*(_drawingPanel.mouseY - _lastMouseY) + _lastTiltAngle; used in
onEnterFrame listener.*
4. I couldn't able to select the 3d object by highlighting in red
color(listener OnmoueOver  is used)

Please find the src code for reference.  1. Away3DTemplate.as
2.Load3dsExternal.as <http://2.load3dsexternal.as/>


SURY@ P@1..

Attachment: Away3DTemplate.as
Description: Binary data

Attachment: Load3dsExternal.as
Description: Binary data

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