This is pure actionscript mistake. enemyMesh is not a regular function but a
getter.Getters/Setters are accessed like properties and not like methods.

Try :
enemyMesh2=el.enemyMesh. ///without ()
Should work for you.

On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 3:58 PM, andrew barry <> wrote:

> I cant see the problem as I pass a class with a mesh property .
> I am using AS3 and away3D 3.6. Everything loads fine .
> Description     Resource        Path    Location        Type
> 1195: Attempted access of inaccessible method enemyMesh through a
> reference with static type ClassEnemyCube.
>        public function moveForward(amt:int,models:Array):void
>                {
>                         var enemyMesh2:Mesh;
>                        for each (var el:ClassEnemyCube in models)
>                        {
>                        enemyMesh2=el.enemyMesh(); //error
> -------------------
> calls this property
>        public function get enemyMesh():Mesh
>                {
>                        return model5;
>                }

Michael Ivanov ,Programmer
Neurotech Solutions Ltd.
Flex|Air |3D|Unity|

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