At 1241828865 time_t, Gregor Best wrote:
> For example, is it really neccessary to swap with each visible client? 
> Wouldn't
> swapping the client with the first slave client to the trick?

No, the purpose of the function is to put the client as the latest
slave, so this is the only way to do it.

But, if you move the array of ordered client to Lua, that'd be as simple

local cl1idx, cl2idx
for k, v in ipairs(ordered_clients) do
    if v == c1 then
        cl1idx == k
    elseif v == c2 then
        cl2idx == k
   if cl1idx and cl2 idx then break end

table.remove(ordered_clients, cl1idx)
table.remove(ordered_clients, cl2idx)
table.insert(ordered_clients, cl2idx, c1)
table.insert(ordered_clients, cl1idx, c2)
-- Call a hook for arranging the screen

No hook called, unless at the end. So that'd be a lot faster.

Julien Danjou
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