Heyup. I finally got around to clean up my awful-doc branch a bit.

Starting a new thread not to cause too much confusion. Original one is here:

Current version of the branch is available here:

There's a couple of patches for awful.prompt but only the 'font' one
is related. Other ones are general improvments/fixes.

There's not much news in terms of functionality (it's been fairly
complete for months now) and now after a bunch of rebases with plenty
of edits and squashes the branch and code proposed should be cleanish,
maybe lacking a bit of comments which I will be happy to provide in
the near future.

I'm most interested in feedback regarding adding actual descriptions
to the default rc.lua and awful submodules, and their content. As you
can see I've added a bunch of descriptions inside awful.widget.* and
I'm wondering if taglist/tasklist should be handled the same way or
whether it should be as it is now - inside rc.lua.

Perhaps this could be a post-merge target, but one nice thing I
thought of would be automagic description retrieval for
buttons/keybindings based on the functions that they execute. So
instead of having to do

   awful.button({ }, 4, awful.tag.viewnext, nil, "Switch to next tag")

to set the description in rc.lua, the function trying to display docs
for that button would check description for awful.tag.viewnext. That
would make transition from non-described rc.lua to having a keybinding
cheatsheet much easier. There are a few problems with it however:

- descriptions taken from luadoc are a bit dirty (eg
awful.tag.viewnext it's "View next tag. This is the same as
tag.viewidx(1)" which obviously is a bit too long for a summary of
bindings. so luadoc for everything would need to be cleaned up a bit
which seems like a big task.
- grouping of bindings (try mod+f1 and k to see what i mean) is done
in rc.lua by setting a default group before each section of binding
definitions, eg:
    awful.doc.set_default({ group = "Navigation" }),
    awful.key({ modkey,           }, "Left",   awful.tag.viewprev
 , nil, "View previous tag"),
    awful.key({ modkey,           }, "Right",  awful.tag.viewnext
 , nil, "View next tag"),
so if we do that keybinding grouping would have be done in a slightly
different way, not sure how.
- there's a bunch of inline functions in rc.lua already so inline
descriptions for those are unavoidable.


lets get it going.

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