On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 5:18 PM, Antonio
Terceiro<terce...@softwarelivre.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> Olivier Guéry escreveu isso aí:
>> Hello,
>> As an absolutly non-dev user (I’m physiotherapist… but more than 10
>> years linux user) I’m realy pleased to see project like obvious,
>> shifty, doc and other to come around awesome.
>> Looking at the wiki I found this :
>> http://www.mail-archive.com/awesome-devel@naquadah.org/msg01463.html
>> about freedsektop menu inclusion.
>> Last Julien’s mail was about inclusion… and sadly nothing after… is
>> there still someone working on this ?
> There was a lot of work after that message to make it work. I use it
> daily and works fine for me.
> The idea is indeed to merge that work into awesome, but right now I
> don't have the time to do it. It anyone would be willing to do it,
> please go ahead.
maybe the menu could be populated using a worker thread. It really
take some time when awesome start to generate the menu. That what is
preventing me from using it. (developing for awesome become tedious..
developer dont like waiting).
Except that I think this is a killer feature to keep our gf able to
use our computer!

> --
> Antonio Terceiro <terce...@softwarelivre.org>
> http://softwarelivre.org/terceiro
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