> Pushed. :-)
> Thanks a lot for this very nice work, Adrian.

Very nice work indeed, but if I may make one observation, not really
about this patch in particular but more about the general process:
 Wouldn't it be nice to have an example of how to use/configure the
proposed modification...
Back to this particular case, the only hint of an example I see is

> - Calling set_ticks(true) enables ticks for a progressbar

and the casual suicidal lurker that I am instantly copied this to one
of my progressbar, which not-so-nicely crashed awesome instantly as

Now there's not much harm done, and I _could_ dive into the code
itself and absorb its wisdom but just to be friendly a little bit of
documentation wouldn't have hurt (and I look firmly in my mirror too
as I say this.)

I don't (anymore) patches posted here mainly because of this lack of

Keep coding,

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