On 03.04.2012 08:22, Anurag Priyam wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 11:13 AM, Anurag Priyam <anurag08pri...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> [...]
>>>> I can fix it.  I need to determine that mouse was clicked outside
>>>> menu.  So maybe I can attach a handler to 'press' signal on mouse, but
>>>> if it was not clicked on any visible menu (not sure how to determine
>>>> that), then close it?

Your code works fine here (in Xephyr). No problem with a mouse button getting
stuck. What am I doing wrong? :-/

> Also, how can I pass a normal cursor to mousegrabger?  I don't wan't
> the cursor to change -- looks silly.

There is a list of mouse cursors in common/xcursor.c. I guess you want X_cursor,
but that one seems to be broken. Bummer.

> Looks simpler with a signal handler:
> button.connect_signal('press', function(but, cl)
>   if cl then
>     cur_menu:hide()
>   else
> end)

What's that "else" doing there?

> But there are two issue with it:
> 1. If I put that code in awful.menu, awesome refuses to start without
> any error.  Any idea why?

Nope, this works here, too. Something is wrong on my side again.

> 2. The if block is executed only if the mouse was clicked on a client.
>  cl is nil otherwise.

The whole signal will only execute for buttons grabbed by the rc.lua. I don't
think that's a good solution.

Sorry, can't say much more right now. (Yes, this is not helpful)

'dubito ergo sum'
-- Elke's whiteboard

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