
Thanks for taking a look.

On 05/05/12 08:57, Uli Schlachter wrote:
> +    table.insert(shownitems, { name = "Run query: " .. query, cmdline = 
> query,
> icon = nil })
> Why "Run query: gimp"? I find the term "query" here a little confusing. What
> would you think about just "Run: gimp"?

Will do.

> Patch 4:
> Would merge, but merging this without patch 3 is bad. Also, I call hack for
> injecting the terminal prefix, but whatever. Leave this patch as-is.

How should we solve that? I am happy to do it the right way, but I could
not think of anything smart. We could and try have some more logics and
do it in the perform action function, but I am not sure if that is too a
good idea.

> Could you write a new patch which adds some luadoc which explains the
> usage/keybindings?

OK, I will try and write some docs. Should that be in HTML, like the
awful.rules documentation is written?

> Patch 5:
> -    awful.prompt.run({ prompt = "Run app: " },
> +    awful.prompt.run({ prompt = ": " },

Ooops, that slipped in unintentionally. I just had an issue, that if
there is only one choice left (i.e. the Run: <your_cmd_here>), then you
have the same text twice, which I was not a great fan of. Maybe I should
just make that choice invisible if only it is left?

All best,

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