Hi Alexander,

I have around 200 playlists presents by mopidy. So playlists menu does
not fit in my screen.
I will try to look extend awful.menu to make a scrollable menu :
  - add a parameter to number of entry to display and an offset
  - if everything cannot be display, add a arrow at the top and/or
bottom to change current offset in menu display

I will open soon a pull request to push some improvements to your
github project to handle space in playlist name.



On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 8:56 AM, Alexander Yakushev <a...@bytopia.org> wrote:
> Greetings Vincent,
> First, speaking of awesompd's current playlist, at most 15 tracks before the
> current one and 15 tracks after are displayed. I did it intentionally to
> avoid menu being stretched out beyond the screen. Doesn't it get fit onto
> your screen?
> To make a scrollable awful.menu requires quite a work. I guess it's feasible
> but I'm not sure I'll find a possibility any time soon to do it. Maybe some
> kind of pagination would be sufficient?
> Kind regards,
> On 10/10/2012 01:35 AM, Vincent Maugé wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I activate awesompd (https://github.com/alexander-yakushev/awesompd)
>> to use with mopidy (http://www.mopidy.com/) but I have an issue to
>> view all available playlist.
>> Digging in the source code, awesompd use awful.menu to display
>> available playlist. It seems that awful.menu in
>> /usr/share/awesome/lib/awful/menu.lua:show() simply display menu
>> element each one under the other without taking care of screen size.
>> Do I understand properly awful.menu behaviour ?
>> If yes, does it exist in the community an extended version allowing
>> scrolling ?
>> I am under Ubuntu with awesome 3.4.11
>> Regards,
>> Vincent
> --
> Alexander Yakushev
> "GDB is deterrence strategy debugger. With GDB programmer is just more
> careful while coding so that use of GDB is not necessary."
>    -- Branimir Karadžić
> --
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