A new Flyspray task has been opened. Details are below. User who did this - aweuser (aweuser)
Attached to Project - awesome
Summary - awesome freezes if some widgets uses network and network isn't stable
Task Type - Bug Report
Category - Widgets
Status - Unconfirmed
Assigned To - Operating System - Linux
Severity - High
Priority - Normal
Reported Version - 3.4.15
Due in Version - Undecided
Due Date - Undecided
Details - Hi,

I'm using awesome since 2.3 version and this bug was present in all versions 
and I still didn't find even any workaround (unless not using such widgets).

When I use any widget that uses network and network isn't stable enough, the 
whole environment get freeze until widget gets out of time from network.

"Freeze" means awesome doesn't switch tags or windows or whatever action lays 
on awesome wm side, however focused app responds very well.

For example, I use mail notofication widget and every time my network is down, 
I get this problem. Or mpd widget to remote server (in the same local network) 
do such thing while torrent is downloading (cause I've wifi network and it 
sometimes is not very stable while p2p is used).

I'm using GNU/Debian sid (x64)
with awesome 3.4.15-1+b1 and awesome-extra 2012061101

ps. mpd widget code

rc.lua part:

101 mpdwidget = widget({ type = 'textbox' })
102   vicious.register(mpdwidget,vicious.widgets.mpd,
103     function (widget, args)
104       if   args[1] == "Stopped" then return ''
105       else return args[1]..' : '
106       end
107     end)

visious part:

 7 -- {{{ Grab environment
 8 local type = type
 9 local io = { popen = io.popen }
10 local setmetatable = setmetatable
11 local string = { find = string.find }
12 local helpers = require("vicious.helpers")
13 -- }}}
14 15 16 -- Mpd: provides the currently playing song in MPD
17 module("vicious.mpd")
18 19 20 -- {{{ MPD widget type
21 local function worker(format, warg)
22     -- Get data from mpc
23     local f = io.popen("mpc -h")
24     local np = f:read("*line")
25     f:close()
26 27 -- Not installed,
28     if np == nil or --  off         or                 stoppped.
29        (string.find(np, "MPD_HOST") or string.find(np, "volume:"))
30     then
31         return {"Stopped"}
32     end
33 34 -- Check if we should scroll, or maybe truncate
35     if warg then
36         if type(warg) == "table" then
37             np = helpers.scroll(np, warg[1], warg[2])
38         else
39             np = helpers.truncate(np, warg)
40         end
41     end
42 43 return {helpers.escape(np)}
44 end
45 -- }}}
46 47 setmetatable(_M, { __call = function(_, ...) return worker(...) end })

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