A new Flyspray task has been opened.  Details are below. 

User who did this - Ignas Anikevicius (gns_ank) 

Attached to Project - awesome
Summary - Clients messed up after adding another monitor
Task Type - Bug Report
Category - Core
Status - Unconfirmed
Assigned To - 
Operating System - All
Severity - Low
Priority - Normal
Reported Version - git/master
Due in Version - Undecided
Due Date - Undecided
Details - There is a bug with awesome behaviour when I attach an external 
screen to my laptop I do
it the following way:

    1. Attach a screen when awesome is on
    2. Issue in a terminal 'xrandr --output VGA1 --auto --left-of LVDS1 
--output LVDS1 --auto --primary'
    3. Awesome restarts

What I observe is:

    - The clients are tagged on the right screen, but they somehow appear on 
left screen
      with a size of the windows corresponding to the geometry of the right 

    - I have a rule, that my browser should be on the primary screen and it 
appears on
      right screen as it should. The problem is happening only with clients, 
for which I
      do not have a rule.
    - When I place a mouse cursor on the 'confused' clients, they get resized 
to the
      geometry of the left screen, but they still remain tagged with the right 

Can anyone replicate this? What other information should I provide?

I am running the current git/master (I have not upgraded to the last 2 commits, 
but this
shouldn't matter much).

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