Hi all,

please find attached two patches to prompt.lua to make search in history
(CTRL+R/S or CTRL+UP/DOWN) more consistent / predictable:

- the first one changes the search_term definition, when dealing with
CRTL+UP/DOWN, to be always a substring of the current command. This makes
behaviour consistent when starting from a user typed string or an existing
command in the history

- the second one enables exact string match (string.find third parameter
set to true) to make search work with special characters. This is useful
especially for "Run Lua code" prompt.


Attachment: 0001-prompt-fix-search-term-ctrl-up-ctrl-down-when-starti.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 0002-prompt-search-in-prompt-history-using-exact-string-m.patch
Description: Binary data

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