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FS#1022 - Moving terminal windows around usually makes them narrower
User who did this - Uli Schlachter (psychon)

As you wish:

gnome-terminal-3.10.1/src/terminal-window.c. First we have:

  g_signal_connect (screen, "resize-window",
                    G_CALLBACK (screen_resize_window_cb), window);

>From the name, it sounds like this callback gets called when the "screen" is 
>resized. "screen" has type TerminalScreen*, "window" is a "TerminalWindow", so 
>I'll just assume that this gets called when the terminal is resized.

Anyway, that callback then calculates some magic (and does nothing if the 
widget already has the size that it wants) and if the "screen" is the currently 
active screen, it calls terminal_window_update_size():

static void
terminal_window_update_size (TerminalWindow *window)
  TerminalWindowPrivate *priv = window->priv;
  int grid_width, grid_height;

  /* be sure our geometry is up-to-date */
  terminal_window_update_geometry (window);

  terminal_screen_get_size (priv->active_screen, &grid_width, &grid_height);

  gtk_window_resize_to_geometry (GTK_WINDOW (window), grid_width, grid_height);

And once again we found a violation of ICCCM ยง 4.2.4. A client resizes itself 
in response to being resized. (= Awesome resized the window, gnome-terminal 
reacts by resizing itself to a smaller size, awesome's size hint computation 
kicks in and does a resize to a smaller size, gnome-terminal responds by 
requesting an even smaller size etc)

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