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FS#1069 - awesome >= 3.5 does only recognize 1 screen with xinerama off
User who did this - Uli Schlachter (psychon)

> How tricky would it be to put the 3.4 hack back in?

Meh, this question got me thinking. So far it's been three days of work and:  
36 files changed, 608 insertions(+), 359 deletions(-)  (This only includes a 
trivial lua change to fix the systray widget, everything else changes C code)
The branch so far only broke two APIs and a couple more API breaks will be 
needed (I can already hear people crying. Not my fault, the users wanted it! 

Things "mostly" work. Currently, only the primary screen gets a background set, 
has tags, set (most) EWMH properties on its root window and all started process 
appear on it. "Most" other things work already. Oh and we are losing all 
clients which aren't on the primary screen across restarts / don't manage 
clients which were started before awesome started.

How many people are there who
(1) read this bug report / receive mail notifications for it and
(2) could build awesome from some obscure git branch which I would still have 
to publish and
(3) actually want to test this mess?

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