On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 12:10:37AM +0100, Rob wrote:
> Hi once again. I have a minor problem when I dock GIMP's toolboxes to the
> side of my screen.
> The main wibox gets moved inwards, like so:
> <http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/6803/gimpawesome.png>
> http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/8120/gimpp.png
> Can anyone reproduce this problem? (Or give me a solution for that matter)
> [...]

Yes, that's easy. Older 3.1 versions of awesome reduce the screens
workeara to implement struts, which also reduces the space docked
wiboxes could use. This constraint doesn't apply anymore with recent
versions of awesome.

GCS/IT/M d- s+:- a-- C++ UL+++ US UB++ P+++ L+++ E--- W+ N+ o--
K- w--- ?O M-- ?V PS++ PE- Y++ PGP+++ t+ 5 X+ R tv b+++ DI+++
D+++ G+ e h! r y+

    Gregor Best

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