Welcome to the community!
I'll answer what I can, but this is all from memory, I'm not at my box right
now. So beware.

> How can I make an application (f.e. mplayer) stay above all others even if
I focus a terminal which would cover it.
In the rules table, add a[nother] entry for mplayer (or stick "ontop = true"
into the existing entry's properties table)
{ rule = { class = "MPlayer" }, properties = { ontop = true } }
I'm not sure about how to centre something though. I've bodged my rules.lua
(/usr/local/share/awesome/lib/awful/, I think) to allow a "centred"

> How can I make the an Application Dialog (fe the Compose Mail Window of
Claws-Mail or FF's Downloads) float
>(center at best, but doesn't really matter) but keep the Main Application
Window fullscreened.

Have one rule for your class (applies to all windows) and one for an
instance (a single window instance of a window class)
    { rule = { class       = "Firefox"     }, properties = { floating = true
 } },
    { rule = { instance  = "Navigator" }, properties = { floating = false}

The first rule sets _any_ Firefox window class to floating, then the second
one is applied to the main window only, and de-floats it, since only the
main window's class in "Navigator".
(Rule order matters)

You might want to check that the main window's instance is "Navigator" using
xprop, since I use swiftweasel instead of firefox.

Sorry I couldn't help with anything else. I have FreeBSD installed, but I
haven't done much with it yet.

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