On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 09:46:05PM +0200, Bruno Vernay wrote:
> Awesome uses combo like:
>  Mod4 + 1-9 :   Switch to tag 1-9.
>  Mod4 + Shift + 1-9 :    Tag client with tag.
>  Mod4 + Control + 1-9 : Toggle tag view.
>  Mod4 + Shift + Control + 1-9 : Toggle tag on client.
> It wasn't working on my config. I found out on IRC (thanks tyk) that I
> needed a special config in my rc.lua because I have an azerty
> keyboard.

The solutions are available on the wiki, and somewhere on the list I

But I agree this could have been merged into the default configuration
for a long time. It is really annoying since it makes tags barely usable
on an azerty keyboard without a mouse.

My way:
local tag_keys = {
   '#10', '#11', '#12', '#13', '#14', '#15', '#16', '#17', '#18' }

for i = 1, 9 do
conf.bindings.global = awful.util.table.join(conf.bindings.global,
   awful.key({ conf.modkey }, tag_keys[i],
      function ()
         local t = shifty.getpos(i)
         if t then awful.tag.viewonly(t) end


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