On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 12:55 PM, Gerry LaMontagne
<gjlam...@alum.dartmouth.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 12:17:15PM -0400, Matt Seburn wrote:
>> Hi all, I've been using Awesome for a while now and absolutely love
>> it.. however this one thing has been annoying me since the beginning.
>> When I open a new client it always opens on the *currently* active
>> tag, rather than the one that was active when it was called.  In many
>> cases this isn't an issue, but for applications that take some time to
>> open it means that I have to stay on the tag in order to "catch" it
>> when it opens.  Is there a way to change this behaviour in my rc.lua??
>> Thanks!
>> --
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> Probably the easiest way is to assign the client to a tag.  This has the
> advantage that you'll always know where it is.
> Assuming you're using 3.4, check out the documentation under awful.rules.  If
> you wanted the client to always go onto the first tag of screen 1, then
> something like " tag=tags[1][1] " in the properties section of your rules
> table for that client should be what you need.
> Regards-
> Gerry LaMontagne

Thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately though it doesn't really
solve my issue.  I don't always keep clients on the same tag.. and
regardless I'd like this to be the default behaviour.  This could be a
workaround though if there is no rc.lua solution.


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