On Mon, Nov 02, 2009 at 12:55:44PM +0700, Felix wrote:
> Hi,
> Got a bit of a different one here. I have a Thinkpad that does not have
> a windo$e key (ie. Mod4) so I have this mapped to the 'Alt' key instead.
> This works fine until I want to use programs such as Gimp which needs
> the Alt key binding. I mainly use with the mouse for moving floated
> windows (ie. modkey + button 1 or 3) but there is a conflict.
> Is it possible to define a modkey for a particular tag or app?
> -felix

Not really because the key would still have to be grabbed to see whether
its action should be triggered. I had a similar problem a while ago
which I simply got around by remapping CapsLock to Mod3 and using that
as my modkey. The following lines can do it:

xmodmap -e "clear lock"
xmodmap -e "add mod3 = Caps_Lock"

GCS/IT/M d- s+:- a-- C++ UL+++ US UB++ P+++ L+++ E--- W+ N+ o--
K- w--- ?O M-- ?V PS++ PE- Y++ PGP+++ t+ 5 X+ R tv b+++ DI+++
D+++ G+ e h! r y+

    Gregor Best

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