hej folks,

sorry for the late answer, i wanted to thank everyone for the help given
me with this new window manager :)

Am 23.05.2010 09:53, schrieb Duflot Jean-Luc:
> Hi,
> You made the good choice : awesome is a very good window manager,
> versatile, powerful, efficient and light. But it suppose to work a
> little bit to configure it exaclty as you want.
> 1. A simple trick : man awesome . It gives all keyboard shortcuts and
> mouse commands to manage awesome windows. The commands are configured
> in the awesome configuration file rc.lua . It is likely the german
> translation exists, but I don't know where. Ask this question to this
> mainling list.
> Another trick is tu use extensively the awesome wiki...
> 2. In rc.lua Rules section, you can write your own configuration. For
> example, insert
>     { rule = { class = "Firefox" },
>       properties = { tag = tags[1][2] } },
> for opening Firefox in screen 1, tag 2.
> For automatic launching at startup, insert
> os.execute("run_once firefox &")
> after the Rules section.
> Note : I can send you directly my own rc.lua if you need.
> Good luck !
> Jean-Luc
> Le 22/05/2010 19:47, Mike a écrit :
>> hello list,
>> since several days i am using awesome, and i am like it pretty much.
>> however there are some functionalities i am missing and i would be
>> interested pointed to the right resources to adjust awesome to my needs.
>> i am looking for:
>> 1. a way to move a xterm/browser/<u name it>  from one window to another
>> 2. i want to start several different applications in different windows
>> onto startup(for instance xterm in window 1 and firefox in window 2)
>> thats it, thank you for your help and the great wm,

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