> Nothing.  I even did a cold reboot.  It seems as if .xinitrc isn't actally
> being executed on startup, because 'sh .xinitrc' gets everything running
> great.  

Might depend on your system config, I've never fully understood the difference
between ~/.xinitrc, ~/.xsession, /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc, etc. mostly because
each window manager's init script seems to treat the files differently.

I'm not running XDM (just "startx" from the command line) and my ~/.xinitrc
works fine.  If it's not working for you you'll probably need to track down
where exactly Awesome is being loaded from and look there for details.  I know
the default Awesome initscripts (at least on my distro) don't run ~/.xsession
at startup (where I think you normally put your startup commands) so I had to
write my own ~/.xinitrc which ran the .xsession file then the system-wide
Awesome one (/etc/X11/Sessions/awesome for me.)

> FYI, I'm running Debian Squeeze (well, technically Crunchbang
> Statler).

Sounds painful ;-)


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