On 09/02/2010 11:17 PM, Vlad wrote:
Thanks for your reply and suggestion, Richard. I tried the following
piece of code, but it had no effect on mywibox/statusbar

tag.add_signal("property::selected", function(t)
     if t.name == "media" then
         mywibox[t.screen].visible = false
         mywibox[t.screen].visible = true

What's wrong here?


Also I've got personal e-mail from the user 'immerrr' with the
following proposal:

                      function ()
                        mywibox[s].visible = (awful.tag.selected(s) == tags[5])
But it didn't work for me either, 'mywibox' still is visible on every tag.

Meanwhile, I'm using Awesome v3.4.6 (Hooch), if it matters.

Hi all,

Just in case someone is be interested in the solution which was achieved in our private discussion:

for s = 1,screen.count() do
screen[s]:add_signal("tag::history::update", function () mywibox[s].visible = (awful.tag.selected(s) ~= tags[s][5]) end)

or using the "property::selected" signal noted by Eliot on the list just now

for s = 1,screen.count() do
tags[s][5]:add_signal("property::selected", function (t) mywibox[s].visible = not t.selected end)

The latter solution will hide mywibox whenever tag[x][5] is shown (i.e. it may be toggled along with another one) while the former will do it only if tag[x][5] is the first visible tag (see awful.tag.selected() doc for info).

--- immerrr

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