On Thu, Sep 02, 2010 at 10:35:26PM -0500, Alan Warren wrote:
> I'm curious if anyone has 3.4.7 working with shifty using multiple monitors?
> I installed 3.4.7 on my gentoo box this evening and it looks like it's
> having problems.
> No matter which application I open, whether it's designated for screen 2 or
> not, goes directly to screen 1.
> I can hit (Mod4 + o) and send apps to screen 2. It's only when launching
> applications from a tag on
> screen #2 that this happens.
> Thanks,
> Alan

There's a regression in 3.4.7 that causes this.

The following commit fixes it:


You can find an ebuild that applies this patch in my overlay, wirelay :)
Alex Alexander | wired
Gentoo Linux Developer | Council / Qt / Chromium / more

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