On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 08:46:47AM +0800, Ng Oon-Ee wrote:
> Hi all,
> Using libreoffice on Arch Linux 64-bit, awesome 3.4.9
> If you have a dual-screen, open libreoffice on the 2nd screen, on a
> different tag from whatever is on your first screen (try tag 1 on screen
> 1, tag 2 on screen 2)
> Scroll or click on the menu bar in openoffice. The first screen will
> jump to tag 2 (or whatever tag libreoffice is on on the 2nd screen)
> This does not happen when libreoffice is on the 1st screen.
> Is this (presumedly) a libreoffice bug? What sort of behaviour in an app
> could cause awesome to behave in this way?
> -- 
> To unsubscribe, send mail to awesome-unsubscr...@naquadah.org.

This behaviour (and the same behaviour exhibited by Open Office) is a
long standing Open Office bug. Since Libre Office is basically Open
Office with a new name slapped on, the bug of course persists.

The main problem is that, for some reason, the OOo developers thought it
would be a nice feature to have OOo switch the desktop if a message box
appears or $RANDOM_EVENT happens. There is no real justification for
that, because OOo behaves as if it were a pager. The problem is, if we
were to remove Awesome reacting on those request, we'd cripple ICCCM
(IIRC) compliance on our side for a broken application. Filtering
"wrong" events from Open Office is also not possible because after the
events have reached the X server (i.e. half way down to Awesome) we
can't determine where they came from, thus either disabling all pagers
(widgets that display
screens/workspaces/desktop/$YOUR_FAVORITE_METAPHOR and allow changing
between them in fancy ways) or nothing. I don't have the bug report
number at hand, but it's been at least 6 months (my memory isn't that
good, maybe even a year or more) since it was reported and the
developer's answer basically was "won't fix".

    $l="\n";$p=q-sub r{rand}sub c{((shift)**2+(shift)**2)<1}while(
    $i++<=$s){$t++if c r,r}die("Gregor Best, 0xDB9F9A7C, ".($t/$s*
    4).$l)-;$s+=ord$$|$_ for split //,$p;srand($s|$$);eval$p;die$@

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