Anurag Priyam <> writes:

> 2011/8/31 Tomás Solar Castro <>:
>> how can I change the window position when I open a program?
>> I want to open it floating, but not in top left ( 0,0 ? ).
>> And how can I set its size, in the same rule?
>     { rule = { name = "irssi" },
>       properties = {floating = true},
>       callback = function(c)
>           local screengeom = screen[mouse.screen].workarea
>           width  = screengeom.width  * 0.35
>           height = screengeom.height * 0.65
>           c:geometry({ width = width, height = height })
>       end
>     }
> In the c:geometry function above, you can pass x, and y coordinates to
> affect the placement of the client:
> c:geometry({ x = x, y = y, width = width, height = height })

This works fine! Thanks!

But I can't find how to put the window at bottom right, over my
bottom wibox

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