Hello, Marco!

Speaking about keyboard layouts you should take a look on this: http://awesome.naquadah.org/wiki/Keyboard_layouts_with_kbdd . It remembers the keyboard layout per each window.

On 09/25/2011 01:21 AM, Marco Gergele wrote:

a collegue of mine just convinced me of awesome. So who could resist a nearby fan of a WM - now I have to try it seriously. Most of it is quite cool!

I have a few problems still with it. I have to admit that my last linux-times where at fvwm and mingetty, and in between I used Win XP in the classic layout - merely I used a happy mixture of GNU-Tools and configured commandline under win-xp. I do really like to do things with keyboard, but in some situations there has to be a short and easy mouse-way (for example, I prefer gvim over vim, but without the buttons, just for the menus and graphics).

My lua.rc is http://pastebin.com/i4bbTVEz, just a bit modified from a friend's version. The only "creative" part is a start of a Keyboard-layout per tag, but if i switch in one tag to the secondary layout, then all tags have "the other one". But that just should be an adjustment.

The keyboard switching is now a bit fat: Instead of starting a System program I would prefer to send my Shift-Alt (to whatever client,or to the main menu, that should switch the language), but couldn't find a way to do it.

I hope that most of my problems are solvable in rc.lua.

- If a window is newly created and sent to another tag, it is in that tag optically in the foreground, but the cursor is in background. I send the commands to the wrong window

- sometimes the screen get splattered in layout.max, that means only part of the client is repaint. I would like to be able to send a "repaint"-event.

- I would like to have a few simple menu widgets without any image, just the name. In winxp I just put a folder down there, one left and one right, that did the job. I mean a menu "Terms" for the different target machine terms (sshs), one "sqls" for the mysql-sessions etc.

- some kind of window should be "loyal" to their parent window, i.e. when firefox opens a popup for fullscreen-Youtube-video or other app, that should stay in the web-tag

- some sort of clients should open in foreground, I mean the tag where the client went to should be activated.

The more advanced stuff would be to react on file system changes in a certain folder, but that still has some time.

I do read often about the good api-doc of awesome, but I often get no clue. Say, beautiful.awesome_icon may or may not have a few "friends", as other icons. Or signals can be emitted via awesome.emit_signal, but how can I emit a Keyboard event like Shift_l - Alt? "name, ..." are the parameters.

I do like to receive some help, also short help, or even a short example. Or the right doc place. If I get something working cool I would give it back.

Are there known plans to keep the configuration schema unchanged for a while now? Some seem to have lost a bit of time with the format changes.

Thanks to all readers and helpers!


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