Am 27.10.2011 20:14, schrieb Tomás Solar Castro:

> My .xsession-errors has this:
> W: awesome: luaA_dofunction:108: error while running function
> stack traceback:
>     /usr/share/awesome/lib/obvious/temp_info/init.lua:42: in function
> </usr/share/awesome/lib/obvious/temp_info/init.lua:30>
> error: /usr/share/awesome/lib/obvious/temp_info/init.lua:42: attempt to
> compare nil with number
> Many times...
> But that widget is working fine.
> If I put "obvious.volume_alsa()" in my config it shows my top wibox
> empty, and nothing more ;(

Maybe these entries are old. Can you clear the file and restart awesome
(ctrl-meta-R)? And please put the surrounding code here or to

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