On 15.11.2011 13:43, andreas wrote:
> On 11/15/2011 01:38 PM, Uli Schlachter wrote:
>> BTW: You *are* using Xinerama. That's how multi-head works in X11 (as long as
>> you want to be able to move windows between screens, without that feature you
>> can disable Xinerama and use protocol screens).
> Xinerama would result in lower performance and the Xinerama Option in 
> "amdcccle" ist turned off.
> I used Xinerama in the past when there was no other possibility but with 
> eyefinity support in fglrx i completely disabled xinerama.
> I "can" activate it within the AMD Control Center but it's definitely 
> turned off there.
> But this may be a special AMD fglrx feature to work without xinerama.

In that case you would only get a single, big screen stretched across all
monitors from awesome. Xinerama is how awesome figures out which monitors you
have and where their viewport is on the root window.

I bet that the following command will confirm that Xinerama is enabled:

$ xdpyinfo -ext XINERAMA | tail -n 10


P.S.: For your original problem, I guess you would be better off asking on an i3
mailing list instead of awesome's.

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