On 2012-02-14 19:00, Alexander Yakushev wrote:
> Hello, Sebastian,
> Add these lines to your rc.lua:
>     naughty.config.presets.normal.icon_size = 50
>     naughty.config.presets.low.icon_size = 50
>     naughty.config.presets.critical.icon_size = 50
i think this is not naughty, because i allready used something like this
in my rc.lua and it didnt worked out...
I changed the background color as well to test what would happen and the
banshee notification doesnt have the color as well.

could it be that banshee uses own notifications? But how does gnome
manage that?

@Paweł: OK no more GPG here
@Claudio: No, the notifications, see here:

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