On 06/03/12 22:34, Satoshi Hayazaki wrote:
Hey, guys, I'm having issues with external storage devices that do not
show up in filemanagers. I read the wiki page on automounting
but it seems to be a different thing than what I need. Previously, in
Xfce, I REALLY disliked automounting, so I would generally just insert
the pendrive or whatever and it would show up, unmounted, in the
filemanager's list of storage devices.

When I wanted to access it I would click on it in the file managers and
only then would the device be actually mounted.

I find that in awesome the filemanager is oblivious to any changes to
connected storage.

I do not want automounting per se, I just want connected devices to show
up, available to be mounted when I so wish, in filemanagers.

I'm using Archlinux, awesome 3.4.11, and launching it via startx. The
exact line in my .xinitrc is: "exec ck-launch-session awesome".
The filemanagers I'm using are thunar and nautilus, both working as
expected in xfce. My previous gentoo-powered awesome installation
also had that behavior, so I'm sure it's not something xfce-specific.

Any help or tips appreciated.

I use udisks-glue. That's enough for automounting external disks.
just execute "udisks-glue &" in a terminal...

Maybe there are some missing udev or group permissions...

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