On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 9:25 AM, David Sorkovsky
<davidsorkov...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Being on this mailing list, I see awesome ideas being discussed and awesome
> help going out from some truely awesome people, but as with any community,
> there are always those who disparage, berate, belittle, etc.
> IMHO the Awesome Window Manager [AwesomeWM ;-)] would be much more awesome
> if there was more documentation, it was more user friendly, it was easier to
> find, etc, etc. This is best achieved by growing the community
<snipped out some stuff - not that I don't agree, but I'm referring to
the above>

Growing the community will not take place by (further) splitting
effort. Pitching in on existing efforts would achieve much more than
striking out alone (whatever the motivation for doing so).

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